What is roo?
roo is the most space-saving vehicle on the market, and has a safety belt too. It’s the result of a pioneering approach to urban mobility, fills some important gaps in this respect, and makes travelling in towns and cities more sustainable, flexible and enjoyable. You can learn more about roo’s special features here.
The solar panel on its roof means roo can charge itself within 8 hours in sunny conditions.
roo can be parked in spaces intended for motorbikes or bicycles. roo avoids traffic jams because it’s so agile.
Easy charging
Simply connect to a domestic power supply and (depending on the battery capacity) fully charge within 2 to 4 hours.
Equipped with a roof, windshield and wipers, roo offers protection from the wind and weather.
Thanks to its safety belt and integrated back & neck support, you can drive roo safely from A to B without having to wear a helmet.
roo reaches a speed of 45 km/h. With a battery capacity of 3.7 kWh, a roo can cover approx. 60 km before needing to be charged again.
roo is small and space-saving, yet it offers room for up to 25 kg of luggage. This three-wheeled vehicle is a convenient and comfortable way to do your shopping, drive to sports venues, or safely transport your laptop from work to home.
roo is an outstanding means of transportation for everyday use, offering many advantages to private individuals as well as companies. Join with us to shape the future of mobility and be part of this unique opportunity to change the world for the better. Together we can start a global movement to reduce emissions as well as traffic congestion and non-sustainable business practices. Interested? If so, please get in touch and become part of the movement.