Climate-neutral thanks to roo

Recent developments demonstrate that the constantly increasing need for mobility places a huge strain on the climate and impacts negatively on global temperatures. Furthermore, dense traffic in urban areas leads to major problems caused by a shortage of parking space and the fact that even short distances can take a long time to cover. The consequences? More and more companies are facing the challenge of how to structure corporate mobility in a climate-friendly and space-saving way. roo offers the perfect solution.

The global baseline

The European Commission says that urban mobility will increase twofold between 2021 and  2050. The problem is that around one fifth of all greenhouse gas emissions emanate from the transportation sector.1 Passenger transportation in towns and cities in particular is a major  contributor to CO2 emissions: it currently accounts for 40% of all greenhouse gas emissions resulting from passenger transportation, and 24% of all emissions arising from transportation as a whole.2 According to the World Climate Council, net emissions  must be reduced to zero by 2050 if we are to stabilize global temperatures.3

What does “net zero” mean?

Organizations whose goal is net zero must constantly reduce their CO2 emissions and consistently offset their residual emissions by means of a climate protection project.4 A company is deemed to have achieved net zero if – all things considered – it no longer produces any greenhouse gases. roo is the ideal solution if companies are to become more climate-friendly and prepare for a low-emissions economy.


roo is the space-saving electric vehicle that enables individual mobility at any time of the year. Equipped with a windshield and a safety roof, roo protects you from the worst of the weather as you drive from the station to your company, from your workplace to your clients, from one site to another, or from place to place within extensive company premises.


Climate-friendly mobility

A corporate CO2 balance can – amongst other things – be improved by avoiding or minimizing business-related travel. This includes employees’ commutes to work as well as journeys during working hours, such as those relating to logistics, field-based reps, and visitor or plant traffic. Thanks to roo, companies can find individual solutions that are tailored to their staff and processes. Employees and customers can drive from one company site to another or from their office to the city in a climate-neutral way. What’s more, these small and agile vehicles are ideally suited to cover distances within company premises.

Scope 3 emissions in companies

Every company causes CO2 emissions, even those that do business in an economical and sustainable manner.5 According to the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol (an international calculation tool), greenhouse gas emissions can be divided into three “scopes”:6

  • Scope 1 covers direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by the company (fuel combustion, corporate vehicles, fugitive emissions)
  • Scope 2 covers indirect emissions resulting from the production of electricity, steam, heat and cooling which a company consumes (purchased electricity, heat, steam)
  • Scope 3 comprises all other indirect emissions arising from a company’s value chain (purchased goods and services, business-related travel, commuting, waste disposal, use of products purchased, transport and delivery, investment, leased assets and franchises)

Measuring Scope 3 emissions enables one to recognize resource- and energy-related risks, develop sustainable initiatives, and make products and processes more energy-efficient.7

Why roo?

roo can be used in a variety of ways. roo enables a wide range of companies that are headquartered in urban and suburban areas to benefit from an eco-friendly alternative, thereby allowing them to help reduce noise, protect resources, and cut their Scope 3 emissions in the longer term. You too can take an important step towards climate neutrality – by driving roo.

Join the movement




2 ITF: The innovative mobility landscape.

